Kunagone natural repellents

Kunagone keeps away martens, moles, wild boars and stray cats! Kunagone was invented as a unique and easy tool to protect gardens and greenery from wild animals. Homeowners were looking for an affordable and effective alternative to other products on the market. The patented Kunagone repellents disperse the smell of dogs, which acts as a deterrent to wild animals, including martens. Tie the repellent bags in the places needing protection, and your property will be safe! Kunagone stays effective for many months. Composition of the Kunagone marten repellent: – a mixture of hair from several dogs of different breeds subjected to heat treatment, – a fragrance composition for deterring wild animals, – wax that prolongs the action of the product. The dog hair used in the production of Kunagone is obtained from selected grooming salons.

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