Smart cards, chip cards, memory and processor cards

The specification of the card with the contact chip is specified in the ISO 7816 standard.

The card has surface identification marks of the publisher and owner as well as an information medium containing encoded, detailed information about the card issuer and card owner’s account.

ATM cards are used to make cash withdrawals at an ATM or other operations that can be performed using this device.

Similar cards, most often of a lower level of security, are used in such systems as: mobile phones, digital television set-top boxes, telephone chips, car registration, multi-ride tickets, parking cards, petrol cards, keys for electronic locks.

Smart cards are characterised by greater durability of the recording. The record on the chip card is made through the electric contact of the reader with system insertions on the surface of the card, which means that the probability of damage is much smaller. Write security also means writing to selected areas of memory or blocking unauthorized access.

Chip cards are cards that have memory in the form of an electronic chip (chip). Chip cards enable repeated recording and reading of information in digital form. The information is read by inserting the card into the reader.

The chip has a larger capacity than the magnetic strip so we can save a greater amount of information.

Chip cards allow you to write up to 32 KB of data, processor cards from 1 to 16 KB. The guaranteed number of write operations is 10.000 for memory cards and for processor cards 100.000.

The chip card can be equipped with any type of electronic chip. The most popular are SLE 5542 modules – 256 B capacity and ELE 5528 – 1KB capacity.

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