Woodson Swedish candle

Woodson Swedish fire is a convenient to use field cooker that allows you to cook or heat a meal in any conditions, even the most difficult ones! The product is in the form of a cut log that burns from the inside for about an hour when ignited.

The product is made from dry pine wood and packed in a foil packaging that makes it easy to transport and carry .

Are you a fan of spending time in nature? Do you love lounging on the beach, in your garden, going to the mountains or just getting out of town a lot? Do you like fishing, are you a fan of off-road or bushcrafts? The Woodson Swedish candle is the perfect product that will allow you to easily and quickly heat up water or a meal, or cook tourist specialties (e.g. scrambled eggs)!

Thanks to this field cooker, you can cook outdoors in all conditions!


The Woodson Swedish candle should be placed on a level, non-flammable surface and all flammable materials should be moved away from it at least 2 meters. Lighting a Swedish fire is easy and allows you to quickly prepare food or heat water under field conditions.

Instructions for lighting a Swedish candle:

  1. Place the stump vertically on an even surface. The hole with the wick should be in its lower part.
  2. Light the wick and wait about 10 minutes for the stump to ignite.
  3. If the flame is steady, you can start cooking.
  4. If the fire goes out, e.g. due to unfavorable weather conditions, throw another lit match in it to re-ignite the fire.

The Woodson Swedish candle burns for about an hour. Remember to only use specially adapted cookware for cooking on a Swedish fire.

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